A podcast about video games, cool media, and....
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Episode 60 - Dawn of War 3, Outlast 2 Review, and N-to-B Ratios!
Shaun and Jonathan host a late-night jabberfest for your listening pleasure!
This week is a full episode! Rejoice! Prepare for American Gods, The Dark Tower, Dawn of War 3, Outlast 2, Fig, Phoenix Point, Prey, plus tangents galore.
Enjoy these lovely links: Warren Spector's post mortem of Deus Ex, TetraNinja's Outlast 2 Let's Play, and Neural Animation!
Welcome to the Renaissance Fair!
Episode 58 - 13 Reasons Why, This Is The Police, and Unsolved Mysteries!
Shaun and Jonathan blather for ages upon ages in this gloriously titled episode!
This week Shaun sees Ghost In The Shell, and Fantastic Beasts, while Jon watches 13 Reasons Why!
Be regaled by tales of This Is The Police, a surprisingly great story-driven police simulator, various articles involving speed runs, discontinuations of production, and a fascinating article involving the writers of The Witcher and Metro 33!
Welcome to Unsolved Mysteries!
Episode 56 - Total Warhammer 2, Playerunknown's Battlegrounds, and Pardoning Turkeys!
Shaun and Jonathan jump right in to Mass Effect Andromeda's 1.05 patch, NieR Automata's market success, and Stellaris' upcoming Utopia Expansion!
Followed by a retrospective of Firewatch, the guys collective excitement for Total War: Warhammer 2 and the interactions between game 1 and game 2.
And what episode would be complete without some In The Wangs; this week featuring Seasons After Fall, and Thimbleweed Park!
Welcome to the (Lustrian) Jungle!
Episode 57 - Ghost in the Shell, Thor 3, and the 'Pants Optional' Store!
Shaun and Jonathan fall down a rabbit hole of oddity stores right off the get-go, followed by a gripping discussion about games the guys wish they had time to play!
This week is largely about movies, including Ghost In The Shell and its surrounding surprising controversy, Thor 3 the Ridickening, Baby Driver's unfortunate name but amazing trailer, and some bonus content!
Are you interested in Mass Effect Andromeda, animation, and how games are made? Do yourself a favor and go watch Extra Credit's new Extra Frames video, discussing Mass Effect Andromeda's animation!
Welcome to the Shell.. for Ghosts... YEAH!
Episode 59 - Outlast 2, Phoenix Point, and Troubleshooting 101!
Shaun and Jonathan forget to plug in the sound mixer, so prepare for inevitable greatness!
This week is a shortisode, due to illness, and other fun unfortunate events! Prepare for longing after Outlast 2, Dawn of War 3, and the hype train of Phoenix Point, a new XCOM style game from Juilian Gollop, one of the original creators of XCOM: UFO Defense.
Welcome to cardboard helmets and traffic!