A podcast about video games, cool media, and....
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Episode 35 - Super Spooky Halloween!
Shaun and Jonathan discuss the merits and shortcomings of the classic Matrix trilogy. The ghost of Harry Caray stops by to talk shop... he just comes by and then leaves like a ghost on the wind.
Otherwise the guys talk about some of their highlights from the Steam Halloween sale like Condemned: Criminal Origins, Outlast, Alien: Isolation, Layers of Fear, Dead Space, Limbo, Inside, Amnesia: Dark Decent, Fran Bow, Oxenfree, and Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines. We also take a first look at the playable web teaser for Little Nightmares. Plus some horror movie/show talk abounds with discussion on American Horror Story, May, Saw and the Paranormal Activity franchise.
Lastly the guys wrap up with some call outs to their favorite horror games of all time!
Episode 34 - Civilization 6, Orwell, and the wonders of American Asking!
Shaun, Jonathan, and Danny jump into some major gaming announcements this week, including exploding Samsung phones in GTA V, Red Dead 2 teaser trailer, bits and pieces about the Nintendo Switch and their partner list, and why Danny is addicted to Metroid Prime. Guess what?! We also have the new trailer for LOGAN, new D&D movie interview and 5th edition book reorganization.
Star Citizen is free to play for all of October, Last Guardian finally "finished", Civilization 6 is the deepest of the deep, AT&T is trying to take over the world, and a wonderful new game about taking on the role of a Big Brother agent, destroying the 4th Amendment in Orwell (Jon loves this game, go play it now!) Then the guys cap the episode off with what they've been playing lately...!
Episode 33 - MMOs, RPGs, Pantheon, and Shaun wants two-handed scabbards!
Shaun, and Jon talk a LOT about RPGs, MMOs, and old references. Prepare to experience the glories of Star Wars: The Old Republic's new expansion video, the potential glories of Pantheon (from the creator of EQ1), Elder Scrolls Online path from WoW clone to something unique, Dark Age of Camleot, Pathfinder, Starfinder... SO MANY RPGS!
Also, Civilization 6 is right around the corner, Mafia 3 gets tanked, Resident Evil 7 now has a shotgun, Battlefield 1's tanks come equipped with pigeons.
Episode 32 - Neil deGrasse Tyson's Space Odyssey, Westworld, and Jon plugs his Board Game!
Shaun, Jon, and a wild Vanessa get down on new Stardew Valley content, Neil deGrasse Tyson's Space Odyssey, Mafia 3's super buggy launch, the joys of piracy in Salt, the beautiful hand-painted Sundered, and GTA V's new free biker gang DLC. Check out Jon's new game, Welcome To Washington!
Outside of the gaming realm, Netflix's Punisher gets a 2017 release date, Iron Fist releases March 17th, Suicide Squad's directors cut allegedly has more Joker, the brand new trailer for John Wick 2 arrives, Power Rangers get a highly suspect trailer, everyone loves Michael Jai White, the Mortal Kombat YouTube series should've turned into a movie, and Marvel might be doing something awesome with Blade! Additionally, we learn that Knowledge: Comics was Jon's dump skill.
Episode 31 - Articles, Exhaustion, Osiris: New Dawn, and Cat Attacks!
Shaun and Jon jump in for a quick yet rambly episode this week, as regular life is, oddly enough, time consuming! Be prepared for two dudes tiredly gabbing about gaming news, forgetting which Batman movie had a fulton extraction, cats attacking microphones, and the wind gently rustling jimmies.
October game releases, more NMS controversy, Little Nightmares 8 min clip, Wasteland 3 info, Destiny 2, Playstation Experience, Jean Claude Van Johnson, Firewatch in theatres, Assassin's Creed & Far Cry to take a year break, and Amazon's new game studio!